Weekly Photo Challenge: signs

I started this blog in 2011 but only began using it this month. I Am using it as a way of recording how my Journey Through Life is unfolding – and a reminder of how beautifully the Law of Attraction works

decision time ….I want to click on the link to join the weekly photo challenge on wordpress and it brings up a dilemma – use this blog or create a new one for purely photographic stuff

if I use this blog, the challenge will be interspersed with my narrative. this may not appeal to other bloggers. so my brain started racing through many scenarios, and as usual I came up with a few different options and one final decision

this blog reflects me. all of me is a writer. all of me is a photographer. all of me is a mother, Nan, friend, cousin, niece, hard worker, life coach, networker, (only part of me is a gardener and home maker) …and to some degree or other, I guess this is true of possible/ prospective blog followers

those who want to see my images and those who want to read my words, will follow. those who do not – will not

so it is simple – this blog reflects me and I am a multidimensional character

I will add an image reflecting some signs …I will work out how to take part in this challenge, and I Am happy

there is nothing more important than happiness and joyDSC_0316


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